Site autoworker - the most effective asset for generating leads


Site autoworker - the most effective asset for generating leads
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The customer journey

Every client begins to get to know your company without knowing that you exist. Of course with the business processes, finding out how it works.

Auto-funnel attraction begins with working out the zero touch, so that starting from it a person has a desire to use your services.

This is done through:
- Seo blog.
- Videos on YouTube
- Audio on yandex and vkontakte
- Articles in zen

Conversion and retention

From the moment a person has visited the site, we will put him in the segment with which retargeting works by direction:

- vkontakte (audio and posts)
- facebook (posts)
- yandex (banners, audio in yandex radio)
- google ads (banners)

When a person makes a certain event, we turn off the main ads for him and automatically include retargeting.

We integrate the email capture form into the website through the mail magnet. The user begins to receive email marketing designed for the duration of your business process or decision-making period in your specific niche.

- So, our job is to sell quickly to those who are ready right now and warm up to those who could potentially buy!


Integrating your online and offline activities will always lead to success, for example:

For a beauty salon, we did an ingenious integration with Instagram -
Check out three of our beautiful salons, one of them for a manicure and the other with a cup of tea or coffee get a manicure for 2500 as a gift!

This strategy is risky, but the customer was notified about the possible costs, in the month of the action salon performed 150 free manicure services.

- Each visitor and left the application received email and PUSH notification on the phone that it is time to get a new manicure with examples of color palettes and feedback from the girls in instagram

- This month + 100 new clients who visited multiple salons
- 250+ services rendered
- base of clients who can be contacted at any time, for which there is a pleasant reminder mailing

How do you build retention?

Every business has its own specifics, transaction cycle and customer need.

We analyze how the client wants your service to be delivered to him and construct a funnel in such a way as to determine at what stage of decision-making the client is and push him to the next step.

To do this, we write out the whole cycle of the transaction, including the complexities with which a person and put them in terms of time (timing)
- We create the content that the person should see at every stage (audio, video, email, banner, sms or personal message on facebook)
- We create the entry point (the first touch and getting into the base (email, retargeting).
- Shape the retention point (integration with offline or other)
- Design the website to coincide with the client's idea of how the service should be provided

These 4 components are the success of your engagement and retention strategy

15 000 $

The customer journey and the target audience

15 000 $

Entry point and retention

30 000 $

Layout and structure (implementation)

How we create an autofunnel

This is more than just a site, but an organism that automatically responds to user behavior

Target audience
- We identify up to 10 segments with unique needs and limitations in decision making
- Create an offer for each segment on the basis of which will be created advertising creatives (banners, video, audio)
- We pack your product or service in the following structure: Discovery-Pain-Solution-Call to Action.
Project structure
Forming the scheme of the auto-funnel:
- already at this stage you will understand how it will function for you
- draw a diagram of the customer journey from 1 touch (what is it?) to the last stage of warming up (what is the frequency and what should the potential client receive to warm up?) and notification schemes (if the client must use the service again, then at what frequency?)
- layout of landing pages (what should happen and how do we enforce this event)
- we make a scheme of retargeting + we choose the sites and select the segments according to the CA segments we have found
- we design the email chain (how many letters + conditions for sending)
- Drawing the scheme of the chatbot
Design, layout and programming
Drawing a design on the layout:
- 2 variants of corporate identity agree with you
- we draw banners
- emails
- pictures for posts
- video graphics
We make a make-up of landing pages:
- Collectively choose format adaptive or framework (this affects cost and timing)
- offer programming languages of your choice
- Create admin panel (so that later you can easily edit any element of the site)
Create advertising campaigns:
- yandex direct and google ads
- contact tagging
- audio advertising on nk and yandex radio
- articles on yandex den
- we integrate the email chain
- we integrate retargeting (yandex, google, vkontakte, facebook)
Support the project 1 month and pass all the assets in your possession with detailed instructions on how to use them.

How much does it cost to create an autofunnel

Depends on the task and the term of the asset you set before the creation. An autofunnel for 12 months is much different from one designed for 2-3 months of work.

Just the strategy
- detailed work plan
- retargeting scheme
- scheme of emails
- offers and strategy of advertising campaigns
- Customer journey cycles and events that we use to monitor
To order
Auto Funnel Standart
- site creation for up to 2 pages (2 lendingeings)
- promotion strategy
- advertising setup and implementation
- email chain development
- content creation (online catalog, brochure, product or event card)
- management 1 month
To order
Auto Funnel Pro
1. Autowarfare strategy.
- Target audience (demographics, interests, values)
- The platforms of interaction
- Offers (calls to action that resonate with the CA)
- Elaboration of the client's way (prediction of each step and decision of the client)
- Autoworks structure (Several landing pages, landing pages in depth)
- Info products (leadmagnet, upsell, upsell and other as needed)

2. Landing Pages
- Layouts of landing pages according to the structure of the autoworks
- Design and corporate identity (logo, colors, design)
- Integration of feedback forms with crm or email

3. Pay per click or 1000 page impressions advertising campaigns
- At least 5 banner campaigns in the social networking feeds
- At least 2 animated campaigns
- At least 5 campaigns in stopis

4. Retargeting and email campaign
- Creation and integration of email chains (matching the user's behavior and time of occurrence)
- Setting up retargeting for google ads, Facebook, vk.
- Setting up retargeting (2-3 creatives on the behavior).

5. If necessary, setting up the receipt of payments, webinar recording + webinar room.

Maintaining advertising 1 month

To order