Video Production, Amazing trailers, cinematic videos, animated videos, promotional videos and more

Video Production

Amazing trailers, cinematic videos, animated videos, promotional videos, and more, together with the best video production company in UAE. We at Digital Buddha will help you create eye-catching, engaging, and informative videos to achieve remarkable results in the development of your brand or product. Our creative team is ready to create any kind of video of the highest quality based on the needs and unique desires of each client.

The Best Video Product Management in Dubai

The Best Video Product Management in Dubai

Which element plays the most important role in decision-making when studying a product or service? You may have thought that these are 360-degree images or user comments, but this is not the case. Research shows that 9 out of 10 people rely on video. Unsurprisingly, one of the latest trends in marketing services is the focus on unique and creative video production. It is noteworthy that the size of the business is completely insignificant because professional and high-quality video can have an equally positive effect on both startups and industry giants. 

There are many subcategories of video content, but our team knows everything from creating explainer videos to customized event video production. One exceptional video from our company can ensure the comprehensive development of your business, including the growth of the brand's reputation, recognition in the domestic and international markets, increased sales coverage, and, most importantly, a boost in loyalty and the size of the audience who will be fascinated by the watched videos.

Effective Project Planning with Digital Buddha Agency

Effective Project Planning with Digital Buddha Agency

Digital Buddha is the leading video production house in Dubai/UAE, and one of the reasons for this is the well-established process of video creation. 
We produce corporate videos through the following 6 steps: 

Creative content discussion

Creative content discussion

Our credo is efficient communication with our clients throughout the process, which begins with the planning stage. At this step, we jointly discuss the concept of the video, all its elements that fit into the framework of content marketing, as well as specific video needs.


The video quality may be the best, but if the picture is empty and meaningless, then its value is equal to zero. Fortunately, our squad has great authors and scriptwriters who will twist the plot in the video in such a way that the audience will not be able to tear themselves away from the screen or vice versa. Make it linear, but fill it with references to the upcoming product; the most important thing is that the story will not leave anyone indifferent.

The main production process

The main production process

After completing the discussion and writing, we proceed to the first draft creation, then make adjustments and launch a new cycle of creative process to bring the video to perfection. 

Post-production milestone

Post-production milestone

As in film production, this stage includes saturation of the content with various elements, from special effects to the soundtrack. Moreover, we can shoot new scenes, delete failed ones, re-reduce the sound, and much more.
Marketing and promotion

Marketing and promotion

We do not just make videos but also help promote them so that they start paying dividends. Our analysts will help you pick the most appropriate digital marketing strategy, which will start operating here and now, and the video will fly into the trends of your niche.

The desire to create stunning videos for each client is one of the foundations of the Digital Buddha Agency. We always prioritize video content production according to customer's personal preferences and requests, which allows us to create content that will reach the target audience with absolute accuracy.

Professional Video Production Services by Digital Buddha

An exceptional feature of Digital Buddha is the fact that you will not find such a range of video production services for businesses that we provide in all of the UAE.

Video design
from 5000 $
Digital Buddha: Video Design Agency Dubai

To engage a bigger audience with their products, every company tries different modern approaches to solve this problem, but one of the most reliable ones is creating product videos. Because of their extreme versatility and relatively low cost of production, visual content has become an ultimate tool in the hands of businesses, which, if used correctly, can attract the attention of a wider audience and significantly increase brand awareness. Digital Buddha professionals are far from being amateurs in developing creative videos. Our professional video production team can help you create video content for your marketing needs in any form, ensuring that your social media and customers will be astounded by the style and complex ideas of our work!

To order
from 25000 $
Cinematics Design Agency Dubai

Cinematic sequences are motion graphics that convey powerful messages by using creative visual means. They enhance your storytelling and reveal the characters' backgrounds, bringing a dramatic effect to the whole viewing experience. Digital Buddha engages in video production, animation, and other types of visual narrative for purposes such as filmmaking, video games, explainer video production, advertising campaign services, and many more. If you're looking for a cinematic creative agency in Dubai, UAE, Digital Buddha is a good choice to bring your story to life!

To order
Sound Design
from 2500 $
When promoting a product to the client using videos, we can interact with only two channels of perception of information: eyesight and hearing. Therefore, it is of utter importance for any company to develop its own sound identity and think of audio branding to create captivating and interactive content for better customer engagement. Thankfully, nowadays, there are numerous sound branding agencies that are ready to create impactful and innovative symphonies according to your needs, and one such organization is Digital Buddha, a sound branding agency from Dubai, UAE. Let's see how they can transform the soundscape for you!

To order
Promotion videos
from 5000 $
Promotion Videos Agency Dubai

Nowadays, promotional videos have become an inseparable part of any campaign, and at the same time, they are used as a powerful marketing tool aimed at attracting the target audience. However, promotional video production is an intricate process, and not every advertising agency can accomplish such a task successfully. Therefore, it is of utter importance to work with a professional video production company. Digital Buddha, a company that can provide video production services, is here to help you attract potential customers and increase brand awareness with video ads that your business truly deserves.

To order
Digital Buddha Talented Scriptwriters for Your Business Needs

Digital Buddha Talented Scriptwriters for Your Business Needs

The professionalism of our directors and editors always comes to the fore when we talk about video quality. However, the story of your future commercial video is in the hands of scriptwriters. It's enough for them to listen to all your ideas, which they put together like a puzzle in their head into a single vivid and exciting story. They can tell a long story briefly and effectively, or vice versa, and build an entire universe from one sentence. Moreover, if you have ideas about creating a chain of interconnected promo videos, then our screenwriters will link them into a single plot to make a mini-series about your product.

Our team has several talented scriptwriters, and their versatile vision creates a perfect symbiosis. The idea of your video will sparkle with new colors after our specialists work on it, and then the directors will transfer it to the screen and be sure the final material will cause a "wow" effect for anyone who watches it
Advanced Video Production in Dubai by Digital Buddha

Advanced Video Production in Dubai by Digital Buddha

Why are services of video production in the UAE so in demand if people themselves can shoot ads on their phones? The answer is too simple; only professionals can find the most advantageous position, pick the right angle of incidence of light, or provide dynamics in the frame. Moreover, it's no secret that video might go viral; however, for this it should be of high quality, which in turn involves the use of advanced technologies.

If our craftsmen start laying out equipment on the floor, it will occupy the territory of a small castle because we have literally everything to shoot cool videos. The latest models of cameras have the highest resolution, stabilizers, multi-format microphones, and lenses for shooting underwater, and this is just the tip of the iceberg, which is available to every client. Not every video company in Dubai can boast of such a set.
On the whole, our video production equipment consists of the most advanced tools that allow us to engage in both simple videography and large-scale filming, which are not inferior to the movies of Martin Scorsese or Guy Ritchie.

Video Production & Comprehensive Tech Help

Video Production & Comprehensive Tech Help

Fluctuations in sound, a hovering picture, a violation of the tonality of light, and poor color transmission. This is just one of the technical problems that can happen with the finished video product; they can disrupt customer satisfaction, which the Digital Buddha team cannot permit. We are a responsible corporate video company, so we make every effort to ensure that the developed product works efficiently and without interruptions.  

Our craftsmen provide round-the-clock support to all businesses and brands. Even after the completion of the project, you can always contact us, and we will resolve any technical problem ASAP, even if, at first glance, it seems fatal and unsolvable. We never leave our clients alone with difficult technical aspects and are always ready to help at any time of the day or night!

Digital Buddha UAE: Full-Service Video Production Company

An exceptional feature of Digital Buddha is the fact that you will not find such a range of video production services for businesses that we provide in all of the UAE. In order not to be unfounded, we will now talk about everything in detail, and then together, we will move on to creating cool corporate videos.

Unique video design
Top quality video design for the needs of your business by the Digital Buddha Agency in Dubai. To promote products or services, it is necessary to captivate the customer, and one of the best ways is visual demonstration via video. In fact, a high-quality and well-thought-out short video for 10 seconds can help your business grow. However, to achieve such a result, you cannot do without the help of a media production company. Our team has extensive experience in content creation, which is why each project turns into a successful video for audience expansion. We will study the specifics of your business, and based on the data obtained, we will develop a perfect video design.
Exciting cinematics
Dynamic and fascinating cinematics, the plot and animation of which will attract the attention of the target audience and any third-party viewer. Animation videos are trending, and if you have watched cinematics for the game "League of Legends," you understand how much final commercial success can depend on such video content. Our creative group is in no way inferior to Pixar's film crew or Illumination. Just tell us about your project, and let us create cinematics that will combine elements of entertainment and fun, as well as a presentation of the strengths and uniqueness of your
Sound design
The unique sound design melody that will become the hallmark of your product and make it famous all over the world. It is difficult to argue with the fact that the picture is the main component of the product demonstration; however, sound plays an equally important role, and testimonial to this are examples of games such as "Clash of Clans" or "FIFA 15", which everyone will recognize by the sound from the opening frame. We are one of the few commercial video production companies in Dubai and Abu Dhabi that, among other things, specialize in creating sound content for brands and businesses. We will develop a sound design for you that will be recognized from the first notes and, if necessary, harmoniously fit it into the video series.
Promotion videos
Promotion videos by the Digital Buddha team are equal to guarantee the growth of brand awareness and demand. This video services segment includes various options for promoting your brand through video, which combine the principles of digital advertising and creativity. Regardless of whether you need a social media or TV commercial, we will prepare and implement the script in accordance with your video marketing and personal wishes. Commercial video is a powerful tool that can attract the right audience, and in the hands of our production team, the effect will be threefold! The best video production company in Dubai is the one that will create content for your brand awareness, brand identity boost, and instant audience engagement, and Digital Buddha is ready to provide you with all these opportunities. Get in touch with our video creators right now to bring the growth of your brand or product to an all-time high!
Digital Buddha Video Production Agency in Dubai:
Cooperation Privileges
Interaction with our professional corporate video production company in Dubai is a win-win investment with great value for money for each client. However, if this phrase does not convince you and you have a question, why not turn to another video company based in Dubai? Then, here are six reasons that will tip the scales in favor of Digital Buddha. 

A wide range of tasks 
When you pick Digital Buddha, you can be sure that we will perform every stage of video production at an unsurpassed level. All basic tasks, from planning to post-production plus additional, for example, support in social media marketing, are the responsibility of our professionals. 

Video optimization & excellent customer service 
Creating a video is just one of the steps. There are many other stages that lead to the desired effect on business growth, for example, optimizing video to meet the requirements of the platform or quality monitoring. Our team will customize these and many other aspects. In addition, you will never experience irritation in interaction because we always work within the established deadlines. 

Personal approach
In the portfolio of our videos, you will never find, firstly, repetitive drafts and, secondly, mainstream content because our principle is to make a customized product. Before our craftsmen will turn on the camera and open the software for editing, we will find out about all your preferences, desires, and, most importantly, expectations, and then we will do our best to exceed them.

Improvement suggestions 
The Internet is an ever-changing space, and what is in demand today can easily lose popularity tomorrow; e.g., this happens very often with social media videos. We do not leave customers without valuable tips and hints and always offer new strategies for the development of your website, game, or platform in the context of video production.  

Top class squad
We at Digital Buddha are ready to take on any type of video production, and the main reason for this is the top staff of specialists who can implement projects for both commercial and public sectors. Each of the masters has the best skills, extensive background, and inexhaustible creative potential. Furthermore, it is very easy to work with our crew members because their level of communication and openness is higher than that of top managers. 

Trends awareness   
In addition to the quality and thoughtfulness of the content, it is necessary to post a video in the media space at the right moment to make it viral and trending. No technical skills can provide this effect, only a feel and experience. Our creative group has this ability like no other: we know everything about trends and their changes, we understand the work of capricious algorithms of all platforms, and we know how and what your audience thinks, so our videos are always on trend.

There is no better time to create a promo video for your product, brand, or firm, especially since the doors of the company that makes the best videos in Dubai are always open for you. Our craftsmen are ready to use the full potential of their creative vision to create content that will have an instant effect on the growth of your business!

Quality Video Production: Digital Buddha Agency in Dubai
In life, we always need to learn something new; however, in the business routine, constant deadlines, and work tasks, there is simply no time for this. When you have a goal to shoot content for product development, even a 30-second video can take a lot of effort, time, and nerves because creating high-quality material requires complete immersion. 

At this moment, we, the Digital Buddha Company, enter the scene; we will take over all the complex and time-consuming aspects of video production, and we will save your precious time and money. You will not need to sit for hours in front of monitor screens, correcting frames and selecting sound because we will provide you with ready-to-implement high-quality video content that will upgrade the performance of your business.