Maximize Reach: Yandex & Google Media Advertising Setup
Updated on: 01.10.2023
    Maximize Reach: Yandex & Google Media Advertising Setup

    Setting up media advertising on Yandex and Google

    The specialists of our company offer services for setting up media (targeting) advertising by audience on the advertising platforms of Yandex and Google. The service consists in the placement of banner advertising of your business project in the search engines Yandex and Google.

    The difference between the method of standard advertising

    The difference between the method of standard advertising is in several factors:

    • Before the display, an analysis of the user's interests is carried out;
    • Type of audience is investigated on the basis of publicly available data, which IA indicates itself on the Internet;
    • Payment is charged only for displaying a banner potentially interested in a product or service to the client.

    This approach to media advertising Yandex and Google allows you to save money on advertising campaign by not covering all users of these search engines, but only the target audience.

    The advantages of media advertising Yandex and Google

    • Detailed configuration. It is possible to select the target audience by age, gender, keywords, interests and so on.
    • Payment only for the display. Display is the visibility of at least 50% of the banner area for 2 seconds or more.
    • Strict anti-banner. In our company you can order a media advertisement without clickford and view typing. PS filters filter out in advance all possible methods of
    • fraud.
    • User-friendly communication interface. The studio offers both targeting and contextual advertising, which allows the effectiveness of the campaign to be monitored in one window.
    • Planning scenarios for the target audience. After the first step of advertising campaign you can sift the most interested users and create new ads banners for them.

    Why order Yandex or Google media advertising

    In conditions of fierce competition business risks to be unnoticed which often leads to bankruptcy.

    Order Yandex or Google media advertising can be for:

    • Introducing a new brand or company to a wide audience;
    • Promotion of a specific product or service from an already common company;
    • Informing CA and regular customers about promotions or specials.

    Regardless of the reasons you decide to run a targeted advertising campaign, you should turn to our experts. In addition to high quality service and effective banner configuration, you will be offered convenient rates and a number of additional services.