SEO optimization in Dubai

SEO optimization

SEO website optimization turnkey, including advanced snippet, page structure, page linking and key phrase optimization.
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Search Engine Optimization Basics

Search Engine Optimization Basics

Have you ever heard of Maslow's hierarchy of needs? It is a theory of psychology that prioritizes a person's most fundamental needs (such as air, water and physical security) over more advanced ones (such as respect and social belonging). The theory is that you can't satisfy needs at the top without making sure that the more fundamental needs are satisfied first. Love doesn't matter if you don't have food.

We at Digital Budda created a similar pyramid to explain how people should do SEO, and we affectionately called it " Budda known - the hierarchy of needs in SEO."

Here's what it looks like:

As you can see, the foundation of good SEO starts with making sure crawling is available and goes up from there.

We follow the following seven steps for successful SEO:

- Accessibility scanning so algorithms can read your site
- Attractive content that responds to the searcher's query
- Keyword optimized to attract people from search and search bots
- Great user experience, including high loading speeds and an attractive UX
- Content worthy of publication that earns links, citations and reposts
- Title, URL and Description to high ctr of clicks in search engine rankings
- Micro markup / shemga to stand out in search engine rankings

Starting seo optimization work

Starting seo optimization work

Promotion of sites on the Internet begins with an assessment of the current state of the project.

This allows you to identify and eliminate major technical errors, as well as generate a promotion strategy web resource.

During the search engine audit site is checked for the following parameters: the visibility of the resource in search engines, the correctness of indexing, technical errors (duplicate pages, meta tags, etc.), the quality of the reference profile and the dynamics of its changes.

Description of seo optimization service

Digital Budda - обеспечивает результативное продвижение сайта в поисковых системах, где основной показатель эффективности – рост прибыли наших клиентов. Услуги по продвижению сайта уже позволили масштабировать сотни предприятий. Мы поможем сделать ваш бизнес эффективнее.

STEP 1 - Usability analysis evaluates: ease of navigation; user interface; and content quality. Search engines evaluate the quality of the site using many criteria (ranking factors), each of which affects positions. One of the most important ranking factors is behavioral indicators: snippet clickability, bounce rate, average time on site and browsing depth.

STEP 2 - Gather all the search terms entered by users interested in your services, grouping them by topic and category. Then create a new or supplement the current structure of the resource to distribute groups of relevant keys on landing pages. This allows the site to rank better in search results.

STEP 3 - Internal optimization - is work on the site itself (within it). Specialists eliminate technical errors identified by the audit, create landing pages, where they place new groups of keys, create and optimize content, adjust linking, to correctly distribute PR (weight) between pages to speed up indexation.

STEP 4 - External optimization - is work on the link profile. The number and quality of external links - another important ranking factor. The more authoritative resources link to yours - the higher it is ranked by search engines. The main criterion for quality links is user clicks.

STEP 5 - Monitor critical indicators of optimization and site performance. Improve the usability and effectiveness of the site: improve behavioral factors, increase selling power and site conversion.

5000 $

Auditing and gathering semantics (structure)

10000 $

Code and Snippet Optimization

10000 $

Working with links redirects and behavior

How we control the optimization and seo promotion of the site

All ranking factors, including behavioral we are able to control.

You will need 1 hour a month to monitor the work done and the dynamics of the results. You will be in full possession of the information. We thoroughly document all our activities and give you a monthly report. When you choose our service of website SEO promotion, you know exactly what you pay for and what we do. Full transparency is the basis of our work with clients.

In general, to bring 10-40% of queries in the top 10 of Google and "Yandex" need about 3 to 5 months. To bring up to 80% of keywords in the top 10 will require 5-7 months.
The main tasks of internal optimization of the resource we spend the first months of work. Then we redistribute the budget for promotion with an emphasis on external optimization.
Result-oriented teamwork of specialists eliminates deadlines
Specially designed software reduces the time of tasks and the time of results
More than 19 years of experience and automation of all processes allows us to solve tasks quickly
Websites promotion is performed by flexible methodology in multi-threaded mode

How much does it cost to optimize a site

The price of SEO site promotion per month for each project is calculated individually. The main factors that affect the budget for the promotion of the web resource are competition and complexity of the work.

Seo Optimization Standart
Standard optimization by Budda Known

+ placement in GMB google, yandex scart, directory
+ purchase of old domains for redirection

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Seo Optimization Pro
In addition to standard optimization:

- Advanced semantic core
- Buying domains of recently closed companies in your subject to create a bridge redirection (pumping seo)
- Monitoring of behavioral factors through a VPN - 4 hours a day
- Connecting turbo pages
- Reworking text on pages (up to 10 pages)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Services are separate:
- Seo blog creation
- article writing
- site redesign (programming, adding elements, makeup)

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Creating a PBN
- Creation of 3 additional sites and placement on the domains of niche competitors
- Writing for them up to 6 unique articles
- Maintaining linking to the main site
- - - - - - - -
- Site gets some uniquely high quality links
- The site becomes heavy in its niche, the search engine begins to give it priority
- After 3-5 months the traffic increases to 15-30 thousand visits per month
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