Marketing strategy

Marketing strategy

Creating a promotion strategy implies working out the stages of promotion, changing the advertisement and the project based on the analytics of the behavior of advertising cohorts.
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User training

User training

Each client begins acquaintance with your company with business processes, an intellectual understanding of how your business works. Especially when your product is complex and requires lengthy learning curve.

The attraction funnel begins with working out zero touch, at this stage a person develops a desire to use the service from you because he understood its value.

This is done through:
- Seo blog
- Video on YouTube
- Audio advertising in Yandex and VKontakte
- Articles in Zen
- Animated stories
- Short integrations

One of the effective advertising structures at this stage is - From pain to solution, Examples of effective application

Conversion and retention

Conversion and retention

After going through the first stage, when users understand that you are valuable to them, they begin to show their behavioral lines - we mark these events in advance in order to segment the audience by behavior and work with each segment separately.

Those. those who registered fall into one segment, those who registered, filled out a profile in the second segment, and so on, in total we identify from 20 to 50 segments.

How is integrated marketing implemented?

Each business has its own specifics, transaction cycle and client needs.

We analyze how the client wants your service to be provided specifically to him and we design a funnel dividing it into stages (stages of the client's journey) in order to determine at what stage of decision-making the client is and push him to the next step, moving him along the funnel.

To do this, we describe the entire cycle of the transaction, including the difficulties that a person faces and arrange them in terms of time (time)
- We form the content that a person should see at each stage (audio, video, email, banner, SMS or personal message VK)
- We form a point entrance (first touch and hitting the base (email, retargeting)
- we form a retention point (integration with offline or other)
- We design the site in such a way that it coincides with the client's idea of ​​how the service should be provided

These 4 Components Are Successful For Your Attraction & Retention Strategy

As a result of work on the development of a promotion strategy, you will receive:
1. Media plan + financial plan
2. Target audiences (CA) and audience groups of retargeting
3. Advertising offers of interaction with CA segments
4. List of required creatives (video, audio, text, banners)
5. The principle of teaching the audience, training scenarios

30 000 $


50 000 $


10 000 $


How we implement a promotion strategy

It is more than just a website or marketing, but a solid structure that automatically reacts to user behavior.

Target audience and first login
- We analyze how the user goes through your current funnel and optimize bottlenecks that prevent them from moving along the funnel.
- We identify up to 10 segments with unique needs and limitations in making a decision
- we form an offer for each segment based on which advertising creatives (banners, video, audio) will be created
- We pack your product or service according to the structure: Discovery-Pain-Solution- Call to action
- We form the structure of learning to use
- We form the stages of promotion and interaction with the audience.
Project structure
We form the scheme of the auto funnel:
- already at this stage you will understand how it will function for you
- we draw a diagram of the client's path from 1 touch (what is it?) To the last stage of warm-up (what is the frequency and what should a potential client receive in order to warm up?) And notification schemes (if the client should use the service again, then at what frequency?)
- mock up landing pages (what should happen and how we will ensure the execution of this event)
- draw a retargeting scheme + select sites and select segments on them in accordance with the
target audience segments identified by us - mock up email chain (how many letters + conditions for sending)
- draw a diagram of the chat bot operation
Design, layout and programming
We draw a design according to layouts:
- 2 variants of the corporate identity we will agree with you
- we draw banners
- email letters
- pictures for posts
- video graphics
We make the layout of the landing pages:
- jointly choose the adaptive format or framework (this affects the cost and timing)
- we offer programming languages ​​to choose from
- we create an administrator panel (so that in the future you can easily edit any element of the site)
We create advertising campaigns:
- Yandex direct and google ads
- targeting VKontakte
- audio advertising on VK and Yandex radio
- articles on Yandex Zen
- integrating an email chain
- integrating retargeting (Yandex, Google, VKontakte, Facebook)
We accompany the project for 1 month and transfer all assets into your possession with detailed instructions on how to use them.

The cost of implementing an integrated marketing strategy

The marketing complex is created for a period of 2 years or more, you get an asset with which you can consolidate the position of the business for the long term.

Complex promotion strategy Standart
We analyze your product and draw up a promotion strategy for the year, working according to which you will have results, this is not a one-time decision on an advertising campaign, but a systematic approach.
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Complex Promotion Strategy Pro
We designate the financial goal and fix the number of applications, their quality, the number of sales and the required advertising budget in the contract, as an obligation for both parties.
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