Game concept & documentation, Digital Buddha understands the importance of having a clear vision for the whole development process and can help you work out game design documentation for you. Our team, currently working from Dubai, UAE, will help you set up a game project in accordance with your specific needs, workflow, and essential actions to achieve your business objectives.

Game concept & documentation

With numerous game development projects being released every week, more and more game developers have started to understand the necessity of clear and thought-out game design documents. In order for a good game to have a successful start, the development team should first finalize the game design documentation. This is the step that is as essential as it is overlooked by many, which leads to unforeseeable consequences. Digital Buddha understands the importance of having a clear vision for the whole development process and can help you work out game design documentation for you. Our team, currently working from Dubai, UAE, will help you set up a game project in accordance with your specific needs, workflow, and essential actions to achieve your business objectives.

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Game Design Documentation for Your Video Game

Game Design Documentation for Your Video Game

Normally, game development is a collaborative process, and every game comes more or less from intense brainstorming. However, you will not develop a great game based on just ideas and game proposals that came to you in such a craze but will rely on some sort of a roadmap or a blueprint — polished tools that are prepared in advance. 

Game concept agencies tend to focus their attention on the following key elements:

  • Analysis of the approach to the previous project to facilitate the creation of the documentation
  • Moodboards that allow to draw attention to the specific elements
  • Needs and expectations of the target audience
  • Visual style to guarantee the right look and feel
  • Technical specifications of the 3D engine
Game Design Document Development by Digital Buddha

Game Design Document Development by Digital Buddha

You can be sure that the proper documentation will help you make a next-level game, avoiding misinterpretation that may arise in the process from some team members or having all the necessary milestones to stay on track. The outstanding gaming experience that will surely be provided by your game mechanics or the game's polished nature would not happen without this project management tool.

Our meticulous attention to detail extends to every aspect of the gaming experience, from storyline development to the intricacies of game interface design, ensuring that every visual and interactive element is carefully considered for maximum player engagement.

Documentation for Both Your Game and Your Workflow
Every project lacking proper documentation is doomed! Avoid this mistake and let our developers make the documentation and the overall game design clear and modern so you can implement many features that your fans await! Our commitment to user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design ensures that every aspect of the game is crafted with the player in mind, enhancing engagement and satisfaction.

Nowadays, we understand the importance of game documentation as no modern game can be developed without proper tools like this that give a nice overview of everything that should be achieved during the development process. Moreover, afterward, it can give a clear picture of how the project evolved over time and can help you organize a report for the investors.

Game design, in its turn, includes many features that are essential to any new game, such as character design. It helps to better understand what direction to choose for every game level in terms of level design, key features, and what challenges to give players to take and tackle. Last but not least, a well-developed pipeline gives better chances to create a lively, immersive world out of concept art and art assets.
20000 $

Game concept & documentation

Game Development Outline With Help From Digital Buddha

Every concise piece of text and every small sketch may be important while creating a game, so in order not to lose any ideas, the process of figuring out game documentation and game concepts should also include the following things.

Game documentation is not just an outline of ideas and concepts you have, as you may have thought, but a really important part of the development process. Overall, it consists of a variety of other elements like the features of User Interface, level design, and even some technical documentation that states the programming language or game engine.

Game concept
Your project should stay alive as long as possible; therefore, figuring out key elements of your success at early stages is extremely important for the product. The game concept defies the whole game and includes elements like:

  1. Genre
  2. Target audience
  3. Theme
  4. Unique features that will fuel the sales

One cannot work well without the other, as a game concept will influence game documentation and vice versa. The latter, in the future, will serve as a roadmap for the implementation of unique features concerning the game concept. Therefore, both these elements are inseparable in game development.

Importance of Game Development Elements — Provided by Digital Buddha

No game design project can live up to expectations without the needed documentation being done well, as it allows programmers to see the vision for the game, keep track, and integrate main gameplay features, plot points, and intuitive design. Even though your understanding of it may come later, it is essential for a project to hire professionals who can take care of both game concepts and documentation. And Digital Buddha, an agency from Dubai, UAE, is happy to serve you! Contact us today to get the best offer!