Empower Your UAE Business with Expert Mobile & Web Development in 2024
Updated on: 15.02.2024
    Empower Your UAE Business with Expert Mobile & Web Development in 2024

    Mobile development and website development for businesses in UAE in 2024

    The first half of 2024 is almost over, and marketers, developers and businesses are struggling to understand what will drive web development in the second half of the year.

    94% of consumers want a website to be easy to navigate, and industry experts are touting artificial intelligence as one of the most important factors influencing user experience.
    With the industry changing so fast all the time, it can be difficult to understand the state of mobile device and Web site development.

    If you're a marketing manager or CTO, be very careful. Here are some of the most important trends in mobile device and website development that are changing the landscape of digital development in UAE.

    The rise of mobile users and Adaptive Design

    Adaptive design is quickly becoming a necessity for web developers, not a "nice to have."
    With the growth of mobile web traffic, designers are realizing the need to ensure that their websites are responsive to a variety of mobile devices.

    In fact, according to Next Web, mobile traffic is driving website trends in 2024:

    • There are currently 5.11 billion unique mobile users worldwide. That's 100 million more than last year.
    • 3.26 billion people use social media on mobile devices, and experts say that number will grow by 297 million new years each year. That's an increase of more than 10 percent.
    • Overall, 366 million new Internet users have been online since 2018.
    • 52% of the world's population uses the Internet on a mobile device.

    These statistics show an ever-increasing shift toward mobile Internet use. This means that adaptive design will be one of the most important web development trends of 2021, and it's likely to remain important for several years to come.

    Google is making this even worse by introducing its first mobile indexing on July 1, 2024. This indexing will be used by default for all web domains.

    Algorithms will now use mobile content to index website pages. Mobile pages will also be where Google uses its snippets when displaying search results.

    Greater use of Chatbots for customer service

    Live chat is one of the most popular features of modern website design. TechJury released statistics that show how important chat is to customers and its importance to web designers. Not only are users comfortable talking to bots, they actually prefer it!

    These statistics show that:

    • 75% of users say they prefer chat over email or phone support.
    • 44% of online consumers say that answering their question in chat is one of the most important features they want from an e-commerce website.
    • 51% of customers want to be able to communicate with businesses through their website, and they want 24/7 access to chat.

    The move to live chat support goes hand in hand with the fact that more and more UAE and global internet users are hungry for high-quality customer support.

    Companies that are able to design an adaptive website that provides users with live chat capabilities across devices will stand out in 2024 and beyond.

    However, it depends on designers' ability to integrate AI into site design.

    According to TechEmergence, by 2025, chatbots will be the number one consumer app in all artificial intelligence integrations.

    While this may sound like a lot of hype, consumers seem pretty comfortable talking to a bot rather than a human. In fact, it's their preferred method of contact when it comes to getting support when browsing a company's website.

    Artificial Intelligence Continues to Get Smarter

    Dubai published their Tech Trends 2024 report. One of their key findings was that AI organizations will drive strategy this year. What's more, experts predict that AI will continue to grow in capability with the development of mobile apps as well.

    As artificial intelligence gets smarter, designers may begin to incorporate it into mobile and web development strategies. Above all, this is related to the chatbot and customer service features mentioned above.

    For SMBs, AI in web development allows companies to provide quick and relevant information to customers without losing their workforce.

    Nearly half of the respondents in the TechJury survey above said they found the responses from companies' chatbots irrelevant or frustrating. This means that AI can help businesses further optimize their chatbots to provide even better customer service.

    Using AI for mobile development can also help developers:

    • Increase deep learning capabilities that improve sensor-based recognition in apps.
    • Learn more about custom image classification and easily perform complex tasks.
    • Create real-time masks that lead to better facial recognition in certain secure or business applications.

    AI is set to transform both mobile and web development in 2024, with the main benefit being that it allows developers to perform complex tasks with greater ease.

    It's also worth noting the importance of optimizing voice search for businesses in Dubai. This is perhaps one of the fastest-growing trends in web design, and it requires businesses to optimize their content for mobile devices.

    API-first design for optimized application workloads

    API-first design is one of the technology trends of 2024 that will probably benefit app developers more than users.

    However, customers who have developers building their apps may see a reduction in production time. By taking less time, they reduce their workload. This is one of the biggest benefits when developers use API-first design.

    This usually refers to the idea that developers can start with the right APIs first. Then they can build a product, such as a web site or an app on top of it.

    This solves a lot of problems between front-end and back-end developers. What's the result? An optimized workload for everyone involved.

    This is pretty revolutionary for app development in UAE. It allows developers to build a solid foundation on which other developers can work.

    Experts expect it to increase the complexity developers can offer users when developing mobile devices and websites.

    As the Internet of Things begins to require more and more complex connections, this is becoming increasingly necessary, especially when it comes to applications used to connect to connected smart devices.

    As for the future of application development, adopting an API-centric approach to design will allow for more growth and flexibility. While this benefits developers, it also puts the user at the forefront of the design process.

    API first and then implementation means that you design with the end user in mind, and it leads to a better end product across the board.

    Motion UI Solves Concentration Problems

    In 2024, the average web user's attention span is 9 seconds, 3 seconds less than it was nearly 20 years ago.

    There's no denying the fact that our human attention span is getting shorter and shorter. So, when it comes to web design in 2024, developers are finding solutions in motion UI.
    When they scroll through a Web page, users want it to adapt and change so they're not looking at static design or information.

    This is probably one of the least developed trends of 2024. Still, it's one that got front-end developers excited about the future.

    What got them so excited? The fact is that the motion UI library is currently pretty simple to implement. It works with animation libraries like Angular and React JS, and it's easy to add SaaS mixes to control the values of each animation effect.

    In terms of website development, this is one of the hottest trends of the year. It's one of the few times when developers can easily integrate the high-quality features that users crave.

    However, it's still too early to see how users will react to the motion UI and whether it will become a flop.

    People originally thought GIFs would be a fad, but they're still going as strong as ever.

    It's easy to see website developers abusing the tool over the next year or two as the feature develops. This means that developers need to work on integrating the motion UI very carefully and avoid overusing it.

    Getting started with quality mobile and website development

    Do all these trends in mobile and website development make you yearn to redesign your own company's website or create a new app from scratch?
    Instead of doing it alone, it's much more efficient and cost-effective to hire a team of professional developers who can handle it all for you.

    Here at EB Pearls, we specialize in a variety of development services that include mobile app development, website development, branding, design and more.

    Not only do we hire highly skilled developers, but we know a lot about what businesses in UAE need to succeed in today's digital landscape.

    Ready to get started? Book a free consultation. We'll talk to you about your needs and see how we can develop a customized solution to meet your goals.