Contextual advertising
Updated on: 14.02.2024
    Contextual advertising

    Contextual advertising in combination with technical measures is a successful tool

    If you want to increase the sales capacity and popularity of your site - order a complex promotion with contextual advertising and SEO promotion in our Web Studio. Contextual advertisement services, due to which the recognizability of the site will increase significantly, are professionally provided by the information resource. It will unobtrusively present products or services to a wide audience.

    Contextual advertising in combination with technical measures is a successful tool to promote Internet resources.

    Advantages of ordering an advertising service with us

    Contextual advertising for the site in Digital Buddha Web Studio is an effective means to increase attendance of information resource and attract the target audience in a short time for minimal financial investment.

    We use the following principles of contextual advertising to promote the site in conditions of fierce competition:

    • getting ads for a minimum time in the top positions of search engines;
    • contextual advertising is activated in selected regions;
    • The availability of information only to visitors who are interested in the products presented on the site
    • use of popular search resources and portals to place context;
    • Payment for the actual increase in potential customers, rather than the frequency of display ads.

    Buy contextual advertising literate and justified solution for:

    • Effective promotion of your brand;
    • Improve the popularity and recognition of the site;
    • Increase the saleability of goods and services;
    • Improvement of attendance information portal.

    Varieties of ads

    You can order the following types of contextual advertising on our resource: search and thematic. For a search contextual ads are used the most popular queries from users, so it is shown among the results of search engines. Thematic ads are available for viewing on information portals (sites) providing similar products or services, attracting the attention of visitors similar topics.

    The content and principles of the advertising company

    We work according to the following algorithm

    • We analyze target requests based on the semantic core and make thematic ads with key phrases;
    • We set up a contextual advertising strategy, as well as its launch;
    • We provide management and maintenance of contextual advertising in search resources of Yandex and Google, taking into account peculiarities of client service and regional sampling.

    After successful moderation of the information, clients see thematic ads on their requests on search resources. When they click on the link they find themselves on the relevant (landing) page and become potential customers.

    The effectiveness of contextual advertising company is to instantly increase the targeted traffic and as a result, getting the fastest possible return on investment. Order context with us is very simple - just fill out a special form. Make use of our service and your site will be successful and efficient in no time! You will get new business opportunities!