Advertising on Instagram and meta
Updated on: 14.02.2024
    Advertising on Instagram and meta

    Advertising on Instagram

    Instagram is considered one of the most popular social networks in the world. And this is not surprising, because this social network has a great advantage in the form of cheap advertising, as well as great functionality for its implementation. However, there are several types of advertising campaigns that not all users who decide to order a particular advertising campaign know about.

    Types of advertising in Instagram

    The word advertising usually refers to something that has to be paid for. However, the cost of advertising campaigns in this social network is relatively small. And there are two types of actions in this case - either set up and run ads yourself, or entrust it to another person (almost a professional). We are talking about targeted advertising and advertising from famous bloggers.

    How to set up targeting advertising?

    When setting up targeting ads, there are two ways - either do it directly in Instagram or in the Meta (Facebook) cabinet. However, Meta (Facebook) cabinet offers a lot more possibilities and tools for ad editing, but Instagram itself gives just a few simple criteria, according to which the promotion will be determined. But because of the small number of tools for adjustment, in Instagram it will be difficult to make a good analytics of the work done. Therefore, between these two methods, it is better to choose the setting up of advertising in Meta.

    So, in order to create an ad on Meta, it is necessary to act according to a certain algorithm. To begin with, the purpose of the advertisement is chosen. It can be an increase in the number of subscribers, purchases or what suits the user best. Fortunately, these goals are given automatically by the service, so you do not have to sit and guess what the purpose of the ad will be.

    Next, it is worth determining how long such ads will run. The calculation of the period usually comes from the advertising budget. If you just want to try and see how it all works, then one week will be enough. But those who are serious about achieving your goal, usually runs ads for a month.

    In order not to show ads to everyone (which is initially a failure), you need to configure some parameters of potential viewers. Usually this concerns location, age, and gender. It is also important to consider the knowledge of a particular language, otherwise Russian-speaking ads may be shown somewhere in the English-speaking place, and therefore it will not be of any use.

    After all these complex and incomprehensible manipulations (especially for beginners) you can proceed to the creation of the ad itself. This is the selection of a photo or video, text, hashtags (if you need them), etc. Once all this is ready, you can run the ad campaign and wait for the results.

    What about advertising from bloggers?

    When you buy advertising from a blogger, it's hard to imagine exactly what the result will be. So in the first such order may add a few hundred subscribers, but in the second - just a couple of people. It depends entirely on how much credibility the blogger has with his subscribers. If he is great, then many people on his advice are sure to subscribe or buy something from the advertiser. But sometimes advertising is so annoying that even the advice of a beloved blogger is received with hostility by the viewer.
    But on the other hand, the value of advertising from bloggers is that their advice is still trusted by most of their own subscribers, so many of them will definitely want to follow the advice. Perhaps this is even better than targeted advertising, where no one advises anything, but only the author calls for action.

    How do you find "the right" blogger?

    Finding a blogger you can trust to advertise can be marred from the first minutes. First, finding them is not as easy as it may seem at first glance. Secondly, some may put a very high price for a small advertisement. And someone will even refuse to advertise the author or his product, humiliating or offending the person. Therefore, it is worth preparing for this kind of difficulties.

    To start looking for a good blogger, you need to contact your opinion leaders. Clearly among them are those who have in their subscribers similar on the subject bloggers. You can turn your attention to them as well.
    But first it's important to understand what exactly the potential audience for advertising, and only then negotiate about the advertising campaign.

    The cost of advertising

    The cost of advertising with different bloggers can vary considerably, and that's a fact. And if it is a big blogger, then the information about the order and cost of advertising in his profile will be listed either in the actual story, or there will be contacts of the manager involved in this case. If you can not find such data, you can safely write to the blogger in direct, he certainly will not miss this offer.

    It is also worth trusting the blogger to come up with his own text for advertising. Thus, he will speak (write) as usual, aiming at his audience, but the advertising will have a place. After all, bloggers usually know how they should present this or that information to their subscribers. But this does not exempt the customer of advertising from checking the text invented by the blogger.

    And of course, we should not forget about the analysis of advertising effectiveness. There are special services where you can find comprehensive information about the advertising blogger, if he himself does not want to give any data. But mostly many bloggers provide advertising post statistics, so you can get a more detailed analysis of the effectiveness.

    Thus, setting up ads on Instagram happens in several ways - through bloggers or Meta. The only difference is that a blogger can't give exact results from his actions, while targeted advertising is still aimed at a full return on the money invested. It's also possible to create ad campaigns directly in Instagram, then the user loses a large set of features that will be available when setting up ads through Meta.

    Advertising on Instagram and meta